

Purbi Singhbhum District, with population of about 22.9 lakh is the 4th most populous district. Total geographical area of district is 3562 sq. km and it is the 11th biggest district. Population density of the district is 644 persons per sq. km. The district is home to about 22.9 lakh people, among them about 11.8 lakh (51%) are male and about 11.2 lakh (49%) are female. 67% of the whole population are from general caste, 5% are from schedule caste and 29% are schedule tribes.

As per census of 2011, the total population of the district was 2293919 persons. The total urban population is 1274591 persons whereas the total rural population is 1019328 persons. Population of the district has increased by 15.7% in last 10 years. In 2001 census total population here were about 19.8 lakh. As of 2011 census
there are 949 females per 1000 male in the district. Sex ratio in general caste is 923, in schedule caste is 984 and in schedule tribe is 1006.