
Folk Culture & Festival


Singhbhum district or popularly known as the ‘Sonar Singhbhum’, vis. Golden Singhbhum, in the southern region of Jharkhand plateau is quite rich with its minerals as well as cultural heritage. Arid repulsive land of the repudiated villages have stored a unique folk tradition. The valleys of Subernarekha & Kharkai rivers and Dalma hill are inhabited by Proto Austroloid and mixed Dravidian communities from the time immemorial. Inherently the culture of this land consists ancient as well as aboriginal elements. Since the land has not been completely dominated or influenced by any foreign culture, it has maintained its uniqueness and identity of this dignified folk culture which is reflected through its festivals and festivities. Here almost every month or every season has its own kind of festivals and festivities and other significances. Amongst them the main are Sharhul, Chait-Ganjan, Karam, Bandna, and Makar or Tusu Parab.


The another extensively celebrated festival is  Karam  which is held on the 11th day of the phases of moon in  Bhadra  month. It is the festival of youthfulness and for the youth. The youth of villages get together in the forest. Where they dance, sing and collect fruits and flowers for the worship of the deity known as Karma Devta . At the evening, when the worship is over, dancing and singing go all through the night. The entire plateau resounds with dance of damsel, song of spirit and joy of juvenalia. It is indeed a rare example of such a vital and vibrant youth festival. At the same time, the unmarried girls celebrate the Jawa festival, which has its own kind of dance and songs. This is held mainly with an expectation of fertility and better household. The unmarried girls decorate a small basket with germinating seeds. It is believed that the worship for good germination of the grains would increase the fertility as well. The girls also offer a green melon to the deity as a symbol of ‘son’. This reveals the primitive expectation of human being, i.e grain and children.