Integrated Road Accident Database
The Integrated Road Accident Database (iRAD) Project is an initiative of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), Government of India and is funded by World Bank, with objective to improve road safety in the country. To achieve this, establishment of an accurate and uniform road accident data collection mechanism from all over India, is required. For this purpose iRAD mobile & web application is developed. This is followed by training & hand holding support to stakeholder departmental users through state / district rollout managers & master trainers. Beta version of iRAD application is being launched in 59 lighthouse districts of 6 pilot states i.e. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh on 15th February, 2021. This will facilitate road accident data collection by stakeholder departments Police, Transport, Highways & Health Departments following Standard operating procedure. Through collection of road accident data from all over the country, road accident database will be developed. The collected data will be analysed using different data analytics technique for identification of accident prone area sand causes of the accidents. The analysis output will be represented in appropriate dashboards, accessible to higher authorities of stakeholder departments and MoRTH. And accordingly strategy will be informed for reduction of number of road accident in India and enhance roadsafety. NICSI & IIT Madras have been jointly entrusted to carry out design, Development, Training, and implementation of iRAD project, alongwith research & analysis activities. NICSI is responsible for Development of iRAD mobile (Android and iOS) & web application to facilitate collection & analysis of road accident data, establishing the required cloud infrastructure /Server setup and its maintenance,training tousers / stakeholders, establishment of helpdesk & Program rollout across India. IITM is associated with architecture designing, organizing Stakeholder conferences, development of training content and training of trainers/master trainers, research & data Analytics activities.
iRAD project implementation started through days orientation program & iRAD mobile/web application(alpha version) demonstration / training for stakeholder departments of selected fifty nine light house districts (selected by the respective states). Due to COVID-19 situation, the Orientation Programme was conducted online through Video conferencing with the support of MoRTH, NIC/NICSI and IIT Madras. All the States were requested to share the details of their relevant existing applications for data integration with iRAD, and also to share existing Geo spatial data (jurisdiction, location of offices, road network etc.), designation hierarchy/master directory and other relevant details.
The stakeholder departmental users were provided with alpha version of iRAD application, user manual and user credentials and the users were requested to provide feedback through Online feedback mechanism or directly through feedback option in the iRAD application. Based on the User feedback, common APIs & supporting documents are developed for easy integration with existing applications of user department sand based on feasible/suitable user feedback iRAD application is modified/enhance sand beta version is being launched on 15th February, 2021 light house districts of pilot states of India.